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Manual Based Physiotherapy at MYO focus on a holistic approach to acute injury,  Sports Injury, chronic pain, and pain management with a dedicated assessment of the movement.


Movement Training is a significant part of treatment at MYO. We offer the structure and positive reinforcement you need so that you can concentrate on getting your body and mind into the state you desire. 


  • 1:1 session

  • 45-60 mins / session

  • ​Find - Fix - Function 

  • Initial Assessment (Static to Dynamic)

  • Manual Therapy + Movement Training

Post-Operation Rehab Training 

Restore your physiological norm under our Physio + Rehab specialist care,


  • Range of motion

  • Strength

  • Coordination

  • Optimize your physical level.


Under the care of two professions, Trainers and Physiotherapists, it covers all the edges from medical to physical concerns during your rehab journey.


This phase ensures you have a solid physical capacity and reasonable body control to prepare for your return. At this stage, we aim to train for sport, and it will be a tailor-made program specific to your sports needs.


Before you return to play, we will review a list of exit criteria according to the latest evidence to ensure you are safe and competent to return and return to court with confidence.

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration 

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) has been helping professionals, athletes, and other people who have suffered injuries or pain interfering with their lives. The ATST technique aims to ease pain, increase flexibility, and improve alignment and it also benefits from it as it opens stiff and stuck tissues resulting in better posture, movement, energy levels, and general dynamism.


12 Session Series
Superficial Sessions
1st - 4th sessions: work on the superficial soft tissues of the body's front, back, and sides.

The Core Sessions
5th-8th sessions: work on the soft tissue structures that relate to the core, the deeper aspect of the body. We start from the feet and end at the neck and jaw. 
The Integration Sessions

9th-12th sessions: work on the anchor for the work of the previous sessions. 
One session will address the legs and pelvis, one the pelvis and torso, one the shoulder girdle and arms, and finally the ending session ties together whatever was most important within your 12-session series.  




Goals of Structural Integration Work 

- release of muscle tension and chronic pain
- better body awareness (dysfunctional, habitual posture- and movement patterns)
- increased range of motion, ease of movement
- increased athletic performance and endurance*
- a more lifted, effortless posture
- increased energy, reduction of stress and tension
- increased breathing capacity (assisting relaxation, detoxification, metabolism and so much more. Breathing is living)
- improved balance





Movement approaches have proven very effective at helping people recover from injuries (both chronic and acute).

The movement training will increase flexibility, strength, fluidity, and balance in your body, as well as aid in recovery from injuries.


Based on your health history and movement/training background, programs are tailored to meet your goals and needs.


Our approach includes the â€‹

  • Clinical Pilates

  • GYROTONIC® movement method

  • GYROKINESIS® movement method

  • Myofascial Training technique

  • Movement therapy



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